I am a Caritro postdoctoral fellow at University of Trento. I joined Prof. Andrea Pugliese's group in March 2025.
My main research interests are dynamical systems, mathematical biology and Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory (GSPT).
I have worked on models described by Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), Delay Differential Equations (DDEs), Integro Differential Equations (IDEs) and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). My primary area of expertise is mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, but I have researched other topics in the past as well, and I am always interested in branching out.
If you have any question, you wish to discuss a potential collaboration, and/or you need the full text of any of my papers which are not in Open Access, don't hesitate to contact me!
You can download my detailed CV (last updated: 18/03/2025) here.
Links to my profile on:
Working in Prof. Andrea Pugliese's group, studying epidemic models applied to avian flu as part of the Caritro postdoc project “Modelli matematici di malattie infettive più ospiti e popolazioni eterogenee: applicazioni all'influenza aviaria” (“Mathematical models of infectious disease spreading in multi-host and heterogeneous populations: applications to avian flu”).
Working in Prof. Andrea Tosin's group, studying socio-epidemiological models as part of the PRIN 2020 project “Integrated Mathematical Approaches to Socio-Epidemiological Dynamics” (No. 2020JLWP23).
Working in the group MathNeuro of Prof. Mathieu Desroches, studying multiple time scales dynamics of neural activity.
Working in the group NAS of Prof. Piet Van Mieghem, as part of the project “Epidemics over Human Contact Graphs”.